Corn Maiden Fetish

Hand Carved by Claudia Peina


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Product Details

Corn Maiden

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Red Coral, Black Jade

3 inches tall, 1 1/4 inches wide

What is a fetish? Fetishes are an animal, bird or figure hand carved from stone, shell, antler, wood or other natural materials. Many people believe that fetishes are a new or fairly recent art form as they have evolved into such realistic and detailed carvings. Zuni Fetishes were first used as early as 650 A.D. Zuni fetishes were first carved as “hunting” fetishes. When taken with you on a hunting expedition they would ensure a plentiful and successful hunt. Each fetish is believed to have a spirit within it. If treated and taken care of properly fetishes will help guide you on the right path of life. When you purchase or are given a fetish it is your responsibility to care for and treat it with the proper respect it deserves. Fetishes are believed to feed on cornmeal, so don’t neglect to feed your fetish.

Carved by Claudia Peina

Claudia Peina was born in 1968 on the Zuni reservation in New Mexico and she is a multiple award winning artist. Claudia is a third-generation carver. Her first attempts to carve as a young child were to make birds similar to those her grandfather was so well-known for. Her first teacher was her Aunt, Rosalie Quam who taught her to make frog fetishes. She also inherited skill and innovation from her uncles, Miguel and Ramie Haloo.

Claudia lives in Zuni with her young daughters Gwen and Kal. Claudia taught her younger brothers, Gabe Sice and Troy Sice, many of the techniques she had been practicing. They have also become very well-known carvers and multiple award winning artists. Over the past several years, Claudia has created new and exciting designs both in tradional fetish carving and more recently in jewelry design that incorporates fetish carving concepts.

Claudia has mastered the art of caving antler, especially elk antler. Her addition of stone inlay into the antler and buffing techniques create breathtaking designs and beautifully finished products. Some of her signature designs include laughing bears, frogs, warrior maidens, corn maidens and butterfly maidens. She is also accomplished in stone carving and has created specatuclar pieces using turquoise and mother of pearl.

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